
Chop File Segmenter is a program designed to take large files and split them into smaller pieces for easier transport. It is not a compression utility like WinZip or WinRAR, but a new genre of file utility. It simply takes a file a segments it, for later assembling back into the original file. The goal of Chop is to make this much easier than it is most compression programs of today. Starting with just a console / drag and drop utility, it will be expanded to include features like a GUI and a config file specifying default segment sizes for files within a certain size range. Then depending on what's thought of next, it will continue to expand.

Quite a few people seem to be aware of a linux utility called 'split.' This is not an attempt to copy split, infact, when I started I didn't even know of split. Chop is trying to be much more user friendly and targetting the end user than the uber-geek.


Working Source - November 16th, 2005

I'm pleased to announce that the source compiles and works correctly on both x86 and x86_64 linux. It also is functional on Windows using the MinGW compiler. I should have a release soon, provided I can't think of any more useful cleanups to the code in the next week or two. Any feedback is welcome.

Website - October 9th, 2005

There's a website now. Development is in progress. 0.1.0 should be ready for release in a little while.


I can be reached via email (guru3 at users dot sourceforge dot net) or via the Freenode IRC Network, where 'guru3' is my nick.